Many of our clients strive to walk on untrodden paths—they see new solutions to old problems, seize on emerging technologies, find ways to add value their customers had not anticipated, and they like to stretch their creative muscles.
Ambitious innovation is exciting and energizing. However, these paths are untrodden for a reason—true innovation lives in a world of risk. Outcomes are unpredictable, timing is uncertain, and surprises abound.
We help our clients manage risk so that they can move forward sustainably.

The management of risk requires a combination of discipline and courage; thus, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. But it is a discipline that can be learned and once implemented one does not need quite so much courage.
The point of all this is to help people and organizations venture into the unknown in a manner that makes success likely and danger more controlled. A few principles apply:
- Preventing a problem is almost always cheaper and easier than responding when it occurs.
- Responding to a problem is more effective and cheaper if you prepare.
- Every decision contains some risk.
- Big risks are worth the effort to manage.
Scope Limits
- We do not design or implement formal corporate risk management systems.
- We do not lead forensic audits after major incidents.