Aim Of The Master Class
Make a step-change in your performance as a facilitator. Get together with a very small group to explore with a master facilitator concerns, ideas and issues that experienced facilitators recognize and need to focus on.

Participants must have completed the Facilitation Skills Workshop (or equivalent) and accumulated significant experience facilitating. No more than six participants will be accepted for any Master Class.
Participant Benefits
The small class size and the solid experience level and knowledge of the participants make the Facilitation Master Class a powerful learning experience. Participants have discovered several unique benefits from attending:
- Everyone focuses on issues that will make a real difference in their performance as facilitators and in the results produced by the groups they lead
- Participants add real depth to their understanding of facilitation models and processes
- Participants explore complex issues that require time for conversation and dialogue, and that gain from the rich insight offered by the other participants as well as the workshop leader
- Participants build their network of ‘shadow consultants’, strengthening their ability to deal with highly challenging facilitation situations in the future.
Workshop Details
The Facilitation Master Class is a one day workshop for up to six participants.
Pattern of the Master Class
The Facilitation Master Class follows a consistent pattern, but the topics covered vary depending on the interests and priorities of the participants. Participants complete a Facilitator Self Assessment prior to the Master Class, and the agenda is constructed from this information.
The detailed agenda is distributed to participants prior to the Master Class for comments and input. Usually, participants have overlapping interests, allowing us dedicated time to focus in depth on four issues that are a priority for everyone. Occasionally the group decides to allocate time for each person to focus on their highest priority issue.
Master Class Agenda
- Overview of the Master Class, agreement on agenda items and order.
- Facilitation Model review.
- Agenda Items—usually four high priority issues, explored in depth. The number of issues, and the time allocation for each is determined by the group.
- Action Planning and Coaching—each participant completes an action plan for implementation of the day’s learning.
- Summary and Wrap Up.
Typical Topics
Previous Master Classes have addressed the following issues:
Planning and Setting the Stage for Success
- Establishing a workable agreement with the meeting Sponsor
- Determining who should attend
- Structuring the planning process
- Involving the meeting participants in planning
Starting the Meeting
- How to kick off the meeting so people feel safe
- How to start with high participation
During the Meeting
- Reading body language
- Drawing participation from quiet participants
- Dealing with over participators
- Managing conflict in a meeting
- Encouraging ‘out of the box’ ideas
- Summarizing ideas and keeping note
Ending the Meeting
- Summarizing commitments
- Gathering feedback and measuring success
Following Up
- Definition of success—the facilitator’s accountability for results
- Meeting notes
Theory for Facilitators
- Models of change
- Group decision models
- Team dynamics
- Intervention skills